CIT-342 - Professional Welding SMAW (STICK) Part A
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In-Person (DP)
Course Description
Professional Welding SMAW (STICK) Part A | Prepare for AWS certified welder certification. Learn oxy-fuel, gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc and shielded metal arc welding processes. Demonstrate welding safety and inspection methods, cutting operations, basic groove and fillet welds. CEUs issued. $2,057 includes $1,656 fee. Note: Must be 18 or older to enroll. Fire-retardant pants and shirt, hard-toe boots and safety goggles required. Bring welding gear to class.Learner Outcomes
Demonstrate appropriate welding safety practices with equipment, tools and materials for various welding processes; Perform safety inspections of welding equipment and accessories; Recognize dye penetrant, mag particle, ultrasonic and radiographic welding inspection methods; Demonstrate how to align welding machines to proper polarities and amperage settings; Perform basic groove and fillet welds on carbon steel.Loading...
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