CTU-324 - Microsoft Word: Introduction
Course Description
Microsoft Word: Introduction | Learn to create, format and edit professional and personal documents. Organize information in columns and tables and practice using table layouts and formatting techniques. Appropriate for Word 2016 and 2019/365 users. Textbook information available at AACC Bookstore. CEUs issued. $220 includes $35 fee. Prerequisites: Basic computer knowledge recommended.Learner Outcomes
Use the new Microsoft Word interface to identify app window elements, and the ribbon and status bar, and manage Microsoft Office and app settings; Use Microsoft Word to create and manage documents, navigate within documents, and save and close documents; Demonstrate inputting and editing text by moving, copying and deleting text, finding and replacing text, and using reference and research tools; Manage the structure and appearance of text by applying formatting, alignment, vertical spacing and indents, create and modify lists, and apply style changes; Organize information in columns and tables by creating tabbed lists, present information in columns and tables, and apply formatting techniques.Loading...
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