CTU-327 - Microsoft Excel: Introduction
Course Description
Microsoft Excel: Introduction | Explore Microsoft Excel's basic functions and features. Learn to create and modify a workbook, work with data and Excel tables, and perform calculations on data. Practice changing workbook appearance and styles by adding images and themes and managing worksheet data. Appropriate for Excel 2016, 2019 and Office 365 users. Textbook information available at AACC Bookstore. CEUs issued. $220 includes $40 fee. Prerequisites: Basic computer knowledge.Learner Outcomes
Create, format, and modify workbooks and worksheets by merging cells, customizing the Excel window, and arranging multiple workbook windows; Manage data using Excel functions such as Flash Fill and Excel tables; Perform accurate calculations on data by creating formulas, summarizing data using array formulas, and finding and correcting errors in calculations; Edit worksheets by formatting cells, defining styles, applying workbook themes and using Excel table styles; Manage and manipulate worksheet data by summarizing data in worksheets, finding unique values within a data set and defining valid sets of values for ranges of cells.Loading...
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