OPT-306 - Forest Conservation Qualified Prof Training
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Hybrid Synchronous
Course Description
Forest Conservation Qualified Professional Training | Complete state-approved training leading to the Maryland Forest Conservation Qualified Professional license. Study forest stand delineation, tree inventories and how changes in land use affects trees. CEUs issued. $427 includes $14 fee. Note: Students must meet Maryland Department of Natural Resources' requirements to apply for "Qualified Professional" status. Go to http://dnr.maryland.gov/ click on Trees and then FCA SP Qualified Professionals for information on requirements.Learner Outcomes
Conduct quantitative and qualitative measurements of forest characteristics including size, composition and structure; Develop a site map and a sample scheme demonstrating forest sampling techniques and tools of the trade; Identify native MD plants and forest types in an effort to develop a forestation and reforestation plans; Assess forest and specimen tree quality; Design reforestation plans and integrate forest conservation values into new development.Loading...
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