
Course Description

200 Hour Professional Yoga Instructor: Part 3 | Learn wise sequencing and create a well-sequenced yoga class. Explore the yogic texts "Bhagavad Gita" and "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali;" discuss their relevance in today's society. Recognize how the concepts manifest in and affect life. $60 includes $10 fee. Co-requisites: YGA-551 200 Hour Professional Yoga Instructor: Part 2 and YGA-553 200 Hour Professional Yoga Instructor: Part 1.

Learner Outcomes

Explain, demonstrate and instruct intermediate yoga poses; Describe and discuss the benefits and contraindications of intermediate yoga poses; Explain why good sequencing is important in teaching yoga; Develop sound, progressive class plans for 4-week sessions; Prepare a one-hour, well-sequenced yoga class for beginners.
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