DLC-323 - Human Anatomy and Physiology
Course Description
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | Gain an understanding of basic chemistry, the human cell and organ systems. Learn how they allow us to process sensations, think, communicate, grow, move, reproduce and stay alive. Discuss different disorders, recent advances in medicine and ways to take care of the body. CEUs awarded. $119 includes $85 fee. Note: Online course. Offered in partnership with ed2go.Learner Outcomes
Demonstrate a knowledge of the chemical reactions that drive bodily functions and identify cells and other body parts; Review the basics of heredity and organ systems; Recognize each part of the skeletal system and respiratory system and their functions; Develop an understanding of how bodies fight disease and the importance of the integurmentary and urinary systems; Describe the digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems and functions.Loading...
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