HSY-317 - Louis Comfort Tiffany:His Art and Design
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Course Description
Louis Comfort Tiffany: His Art and Design | Begin the day with a lecture followed by a tour and explore Louis Comfort Tiffany, his life, home, studio and designs. Experience examples of Tiffany's works at Brown Memorial Church and Evergreen House in Baltimore. $96 includes $44 fee. Note: Transportation by AACC included. Extensive walking required. Participants must be able to walk and stand for hours without assistance. Bring a bag lunch or purchase one on your own. Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for outdoors.Learner Outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the life of Louis Comfort Tiffany and the time in which he lived; Demonstrate an understanding of Art Nouveau and Art Deco design of the early 20th century; Identify the art of Louis Comfort Tiffany and the Tiffany Studios; Discuss the importance of Louis Comfort Tiffany's late 19th and early 20th century period of production to the history of art and design.Loading...
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