HSY-353 - Wilmington Mansions: 20th Century Architecture
Course Description
Wilmington Mansions: 20th Century Architecture | Compare style characteristics of Georgian Revival and Beaux Arts architecture popular in the early 1900s. Explore architectural features of Eleutherian Mills house and Nemours estate owned by the DuPont family. $116 includes $58 fee. Note: Transportation provided. Extensive walking and standing required. Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for outdoors. Bring a bag lunch or purchase on own.Learner Outcomes
Discuss a short history of Georgian Architecture; Distinguish the style characteristics of Beaux Arts and Georgian revival architecture and understand their importance in twentieth century design; Recognize the contributions to twentieth century lifestyles made by Alfred I. DuPont and E.I. DuPont; Apply architectural information learned and apply to local Maryland locations including U.S. Post Office in Annapolis, buildings on the University of MD campus and Union Station in Washington, DC.Loading...
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