HTH-944 - Weight Training for Older Adults
Course Description
Weight Training for Older Adults | Learn proper techniques for the development of muscular strength, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition. Discuss body composition and nutrition required to maintain health and fitness during a weight training regimen. Note: Senior Cycle fee class. Students must be 55 years or older by start date in order to enroll in this class.Learner Outcomes
Demonstrate proper safety procedures and use of equipment in the weight room; Administer and interpret assessments to correctly determine muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition; Identify lifting techniques used for developing specific muscle groups helpful for older adults; Explain the principles governing weight training regiments such as overload, progressive resistance, specificity and adequate recovery; Compare and contrast various resistance formats of weight training programs i.e. isotonic, isometric and isokinetic.Loading...
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