KDD-865 - Python Programmers: Make Your Own Multiplayer Game!
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Course Description
Python Programmers: Make Your Own Multiplayer | Game! Learn how to code with Python and create a multiplayer adventure game. Explore each step and begin a programming path that will let you challenge friends with a self-created fun game. $236+ includes $164 fee. Note: Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions. Campers work will be available through a password protected Black Rocket website.Learner Outcomes
Students will learn the basics of Python – a text-based programming language; Students will learn the basics of programming in order to create a multi-player adventure game; Students will learn to change a backgrounds, control a sprite’s movement and make it interactive; Students will learn the following programming concepts; Variables, Loops, Functions and If Statements; Students will learn to be collaborative and work with a partner through the week
If your child cannot attend a course or camp, a course drop form must be completed, submitted and received by the college no later than five calendar days prior to the course or camp start date in order for a refund to be issued. Completed course drop forms can be submitted by fax (410-777-4325), mail, online through the noncredit registration site or in-person at one of our registration sites. Drop forms not received within the time period required above will be processed, but no refund will be issued.Loading...
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