KIK-835 - YouTube® Content Creators
Course Description
YouTube® Content Creators | Be the next YouTube sensation. Explore YouTube's content and personalities and find your own niche. Learn the dos and don'ts of YouTube and how to practice good digital citizenship. Develop an on-camera presence, channel branding and professional editing skills. Take home a plan to launch your channel! $236+ includes $161 fee. Note: Offered in Partnership with Black Rocket Productions. Campers' work will be available through a password-protected Black Rocket website. Campers work in pairs or teams.Learner Outcomes
Introduction to content creation software; Explore a variety of content types that can be created; Develop an on-camera presence; Practice good digital citizenship; Create a storyboard; Setup footage capture software; Develop video and image editing skills; Learn basic music creation skills.Notices
If your child cannot attend a course or camp, a course drop form must be completed, submitted and received by the college no later than five calendar days prior to the course or camp start date in order for a refund to be issued. Completed course drop forms can be submitted by fax (410-777-4325), mail, online through the noncredit registration site or in-person at one of our registration sites. Drop forms not received within the time period required above will be processed, but no refund will be issued.Loading...
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