YOU-881 - Theater Experience: on Stage
Course Description
Theater Experience: On Stage | Join the cast and crew for a musical production. Learn the craft of theater including makeup, staging, acting, singing, dancing, costuming and scenery. Refine your talents and develop new skills. Participate in a stage performance. $634+ includes $234 fee. Note: Auditions are held on the first day of camps.Learner Outcomes
To fully understand the stages of developing a theater production including auditions, choreography, staging, blocking, costume design, team work, scenery, and more; To develop and improve memorization skills both spoken and sung; To build a team by working together and helping others for a common goal; To perform before a live audience.Notices
If your child cannot attend a course or camp, a course drop form must be completed, submitted and received by the college no later than five calendar days prior to the course or camp start date in order for a refund to be issued. Completed course drop forms can be submitted by fax (410-777-4325), mail, online through the noncredit registration site or in-person at one of our registration sites. Drop forms not received within the time period required above will be processed, but no refund will be issued.Loading...
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