ENL-942 - Robert Frost: American Poet
Course Description
Read and discuss the poetry of Robert Frost, a quintessentially American poet who famously said, “I had as soon write free verse as play tennis with the net down.” Explore Frost’s poetry chronologically through his long life.Learner Outcomes
Appraise one of our American cultural touchstones: the poetry and imagery of a poet who dominated American imagination for the greater part of the 20th century; Identify the development of a poet who demonstrated mastery of the American idiom; Differentiate multiple, simultaneous, and even contradictory meanings; Examine the theoretical framework, through Robert Frost’s own words, of his approach to his craft; Gain a critical understanding of Frost’s place in the 20th-century Anglo-Celtic-American poetic panoply; Examine poetic language, sound, and form; Evaluate Frost’s skill as an image maker and as a narrative poet; Enhance communication skills of listening, thinking, speaking, and writing; Practice leadership skills in discussion dynamics that can be applied to life, family, and civic contributions.Loading...
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