LGA-934 - French Listening and Comprehension
Course Description
French Listening and Comprehension | Fully immerse in listening to dialogues of day-to-day life experiences and activities in francophone countries. Develop conversational skills for daily situations related to basic travel. Build upon oral comprehension of French idiomatic expressions and use them in an appropriate context.Learner Outcomes
Articulate French dialogues that occur day-to-day, and the life experiences and activities in francophone countries. Discuss examples of French culture and identify two illustrations of the French way of life. Increase vocabulary and conversation skills through discussion of travel related conversations. Develop an oral comprehension of French idiomatic expressions and use them in an appropriate context. Demonstrate an understanding of French culture, and summarize three or more current world issues in an historical context.Notices
Grading: Students will receive a Y for attending 60% of the class time for this noncredit CEWD class. Attendance: Students are encouraged to attend Class participation: Students are encouraged to participateLoading...
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