HRY-995 - Life in Jane Austen's England
Course Description
Life in Jane Austens England | Examine the life of Jane Austen through the window of Austens novels Northanger and Mansfield Park. Explore the people and habits of the British Regency Era of the early 1800s.Learner Outcomes
Identify the following real people and places: Hampshire, Jane Austen, Henry Austen, Cassandra Austen, Winchester Cathedral, Chauton, King George III, King George IV, Princess Charlotte; Examine fictional characters from the two Austen books; Summarize the general plot of Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park; Compare events in the life of the author with scenes in Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park; Analyze why Austin never identified herself as the author of Mansfield Park or any other of her novels published while she was alive; Discuss Jane Austen's continued popularity today.Loading...
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