HRY-996 - Westward Expansion, Slavery, and the Coming of the Civil War
Course Description
Westward Expansion, Slavery, and the Coming of the Civil War | Explore what caused the Civil War. Discuss the refusal to allow slavery to go west as the country expanded. Examine expansion and how it brought about secession and the Civil War.Learner Outcomes
Examine the cause of the Civil War; Examine the expansion of the United States from the Louisiana Purchase to the Pacific with the Oregon Agreement and the Mexican Cession following the Mexican War; Explore the expansion of the United States and how the question of slavery was raised every mile of the way; Discuss the importance of the cotton slave economy to both the North and South, and why until the 1820s there was little interest in the abolishment of slavery; Discuss the Supreme Court cases on slavery with particular emphasis on the Dred Scott decision and its ramifications; Discuss the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment.Loading...
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