
Course Description

Engagement Coaching Course 4: Integration | Demonstrate and strengthen essential coaching skills through the integration and application of all components of the Engagement Coaching Model for clients and small groups. Implement structures that support the coach to sustain powerful action to realize goals and continue evolving as a coach. Deepen, enhance and incorporate coaching skills learned in the previous Engagement Coaching courses (EDU 201, EDU 202 and EDU 203/TAD 331, TAD 332, and TAD 333/TAD 437, TAD 438 and TAD 439). CEUs issued. Prerequisite: EDU-203 or TAD-333. Note: For participants interested in becoming a certified coach, this course fulfills the fourth course requirement of the 125-hour coach-specific training requirement for the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) ACTP pathway. For participants interested in earning the non-credit Engagement Coach Certificate, this 3-credit course fulfills the fourth and final course requirement of that certificate.

Learner Outcomes

Apply and integrate the ethical guidelines and professional standards of coaching; Describe the process of co-creating relationships including establishing trust and creating a coaching presence; Demonstrate effective communication through active listening, powerful questioning and direct communication; Formulate a process to facilitate learning and positive coaching results.
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