HSY-903 - Notable Historical Americans: A Series
Course Description
Examine and discuss the lives of notable Americans throughout history. Students will review key events, significant ideologies, and their contributions to American history, society, and culture of their era. Note: This session will examine the Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877) Era. Note: Senior Cycle fee class. Students must be 55 years or older by start date in order to enroll in this class.Learner Outcomes
Identify notable Americans throughout United States history and illustrate their individual renowned characteristics; Examine and discuss notable Americans and five key events that had an impact on U.S. history; Evaluate the ideology of the leader of the time and summarize three of their contributions to American society and culture; Explore the lives, achievements, successes and failures of these Americans; Explain the impact that the notable American has had on more recent periods of U.S. History and how their legacies helped to develop America as a nation.Loading...
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