HSY-536 - 1864-1865 Lee vs. Grant Overland Campaign
Course Description
The class offers an in-depth examination of the Overland Campaign of the Civil War, focusing on Gen. Ulysses S. Grants attacks against Confederate forces and the battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania. The course includes both lectures and travel to the battlefields. The cost is $110 including a $43 fee.Learner Outcomes
Discuss Ulysses S. Grant's assuming command of Union forces as he accompanies Gen. Meade's army into Virginia; Give examples of the strategies and tactics utilized by military commanders of the Union and Confederate armies and identify two key obstacles of the battlefield terrain; Describe Robert E. Lee as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia; Summarize the relationship of the Overland Campaign to the presidencies of Lincoln and Jefferson Davis; Assess information about the Overland campaign and analyze how it lead to General Lee's surrender.Loading...
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