
Course Description

Explore the enjoyable, intuitive collage process for self-discovery and community created by Seena B. Frost and taught by a SoulCollage® certified instructor. Discover the process of creating and critically analyzing SoulCollage® cards using mixed media, as well as a basic overview of the philosophy including Neters, the 4 card suits, and “I Am One Who” in a relaxed, welcoming environment. Create a personalized SoulCollage® $88+ includes $10 fee.


  • Define collage and identify different 3 different methods of collage.
  • Create four or more small-format collages using mixed mediums.
  • Demonstrate use and mastery of the five elements of design.
  • Evaluate the symbology used in the collage form and assess through class discussion.
  • Analyze and discuss the seven basic elements of visual composition.
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